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The re-election of Donald Trump has sparked significant interest among Americans in relocating to New Zealand due to contrasting political and social landscapes.
We need immigration policies that are much better at future-proofing New Zealand’s actual skill needs.
New Zealand's immigration cycles create challenges for long-term planning in health, education, and infrastructure. With a declining net migration and an aging population, the country needs stable, long-term migration policies to address future workforce and demographic needs.
The last 30+ years have seen 17 Ministers of Immigration, 5 changes of Government, and thousands of policy changes. Inconsistency of INZ's decision-making has remained the only constant.
Immigration New Zealand (INZ) has announced very significant increases to most visa application fees, which will take effect from October 1, 2024.
Australia is tightening its immigration policies aiming to reduce net migration, changing its visa policies to favour key trading partners, and scrapping certain investment visas. What does this mean for NZ?
Immediate changes have been announced to the Accredited Employer Worker Visa (AEWV) scheme.
There has always been great rivalry, and comradery, between New Zealand and Australia. Such competition also extends to the world of migration.
There is much hype every month about New Zealand’s net migration numbers and what these mean for the country.
The immigration landscape has undergone several impactful changes in 2023, particularly in the last few months. And then, of course, has been the change of Government!
We would like to see the Government taking a little more time to get it right first time!
New Zealand has historically had a reputation as being relatively free of corruption, but this reputation is at serious risk with the current high incidence of migrant exploitation now rife in the country.
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