Immigration Problems?

For a lucky few, immigrating to New Zealand may be a reasonably straightforward process. However, for many others, navigating the visa categories, deciding on what path to take, and where to begin, can be a confusing, challenging and lengthy process.

Whether it is to address a person’s unlawful status, a breach of visa conditions, correct a flawed visa application, advocating on significant health or character issues, addressing employment compliance matters, or other concerns raised by Immigration New Zealand, the input of a Pathways® adviser with knowledge and experience in these matters can be the difference between a successful visa outcome or otherwise.

There are also the situations where a visa is declined which can trigger a formal complaint and/or an appeal to the Immigration and Protection Tribunal (IPT), and these are also areas in which Pathways® advisers are very experienced and successful.

If you have any immigration problem whatsoever do not delay contacting the team at Pathways® as it is always best to begin working on a solution as soon as possible.

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